Quality & Safety Controls


  1. Plan the escape route in case of fire and earthquake.
  2. Know the location of nearest medical facilities.
  3. Apply caution when using the kitchen microwave ovens or toasters to prevent burning or fires.
  4. Properly and ergonomically set up arrangement of table and chair to minimize body injuries.
  5. Avoid lifting heavy objects.
  6. Avoid slippery floors.
  7. Take a 5 minute break and do body stretch after working on computers for 1 hour.


  1. Take defensive driving course every two years.
  2. Keep proper maintenance of vehicles; check tires, brakes and windshield wipers regularly.
  3. Plan ahead your travel route where to enter, park and exit the inspection job site so that safety of vehicle is ensured.
  4. Avoid parking in areas where construction equipment and vehicles are operating or traversing.
  5. Avoid driving on freeways during heavy rains to avoid hydroplaning.
  6. Avoid fatigue and hurry when driving.
  7. Use hand free devices provided by company.


  1. Project Manager will go through with inspectors the inspection check list for the contractor’s operation to assure contract compliance.
  2. Project Manager will make sure the inspectors submit and file their diaries, photos and other project documents promptly.
  3. Project Manager will conduct peer review of the inspectors’ calculations and reviews of contractors submitted work plans and shop drawings to ensure accuracy and contract conformance.

Operations/Completed Operations

  1. At the start of every operation, the inspectors with the help of Project Manager will identify the potential hazards in the operations and the methods to minimize or avoid the hazards.
  2. Attend biweekly safety meeting without fail, and do a makeup safety meeting with Project Manager if unable to attend.
  3. Be aware of the environments when working around the construction equipment and always choose a safe location to inspect or take extra precautions to move around construction equipment.
  4. Hire inspectors with at least 10 years of construction inspection experience with good safety records.
  5. Plan the inspection task before going out to the field.
  6. Make sure the inspection access is safe before performing the inspection.